To be a powerful woman you have to be American... unless you are Angela Merkel. For the sixth year running, the German chancellor tops the list of the most powerful women in the world compiled by Forbes magazine. Apart from her, seven of the 10 women on the list are from the US; and the list is completed by a Frenchwoman and a Spanish woman, Ana Patricia Botín.
After Merkel, the podium is taken up by Hillary Clinton and Janet Yellen. Clinton, the Democrat candidate in the presidential elections due to take place at the end of the year in the United States, is the first woman to ever reach the final stage of the nomination process. For her part, Yellen is the first woman to head the Federal Reserve.
After them come Melinda Gates and different executives like Mary Barra (General Motors), Sheryl Sandberg (Facebook) or Susan Wojcicki (YouTube), as well as the CEO of Hewlett-Packard, Meg Whitman, and the head of Santander, Ana Patricia Botín. In the middle, in sixth place, comes the head of the International Monetary Fund, Christine Lagarde.
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